I was given this book as a gift. I am now anxious to read other books by Paulo Coelho! This is a fantastic fable filled with unsurmountable challenges and life changing choices. I especially liked the Alchemist's advice about not giving up on your life's mission for love. What I liked best was the main character's interactions with the different characters he met along his journey. Dale Carnegie Narrated by: the alchemist audiobook jeremy irons

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It's truly a must have and is suitable for all ages. It really invites you to read between the lines and reflect upon your own life story.

Jeremy Irons was a good narrator, his coarse voice fit the book perfectly. Yuval Noah Harari breaks the mold with this highly original book. Despite this, he sold the rights to the alchemist to Warner Bros. Jeremy Irons did a fantastic job with the narration - lots of variety in voices, and LOTS of emotion and feeling in the emphasis of dialogue!

While it isn't nearly a basis for theology, it touches on the many issues that people face as they embark on their life's journey.

[Listen][Download] The Alchemist Audiobook - By Paulo Coelho

No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a meditation on the treasures found within. Ken Goddard Narrated by: Did it make you laugh or cry? Fantastic read and listen What a fantastic book. This is a pleasant little alchdmist.

Access to the Now is everywhere - in the body, the silence, and the space all around you. His voice made this story a real joy to hear, I am going to search and see if he narrates any more on here. The book is available in paperback, hardcover and audiobook.

The Alchemist stirred questions within me. Oh Jeremy and your dodgy accents! Story is good with a nice message.

The Alchemist

It did have a certain dreamlike style. To make the journey into The Power of Now you need to leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, audiobbook. Irons's voice is crystal clear, and every word is given its own starring role in the text. It is exceptionally well read, with great expression, and wonderful adaption of voice to characters. It really made me stop and think about how I have let a busy life and possibly some fears stop me from pursuing jerwmy I want to tbe - Not need to accomplish.

Mr Irons makes this reading beautiful Whilst a lot of people may debate aspects of the book and its content in their review, I would like to comment on the extraordinary power and beauty of the reading by Jeremy Irons.

Love it So many life lessons contains in this small book. Highly recommended to anyone, especially those interested in "the way" or personal development.

[Listen][Download] The Alchemist Audiobook – By Paulo Coelho

I has the same sort of feel as "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, or "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse - and similarly carries a lot of subtle and overt life-messages in it's concise text. Santiago is a young man who proceeds in literally making his alchrmist come true.

the alchemist audiobook jeremy irons

This is a fantastic fable filled with unsurmountable challenges and life changing choices. Eckhart Tolle Narrated by: I have had it on audio cassette since it was first released in that format and was delighted to find it available in audio-book format at CD quality.

Life changing Just amazing, my life has begun a new chapter, I've quit my job and I'm moving abroad in 3 weeks.

the alchemist audiobook jeremy irons

I was given this book as a gift. Certainly worth a look. It was a great story and I am glad I listened to it. This book is one that I will read listen to over and over.
